

The Macroeconomics of Pascal’s Wager. 2019. Eastern Economic Journal  2019. Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 45: 481- 496.

Housing and Endogenous Growth and Household Leverage. 2019 Macroeconomic Dynamics , Vol. 23(5) with Emily Marshall and Hoang Nguyen

Learning, Hedging, and the Natural Rate Hypothesis,. 2019, Macroeconomic Dynamics., Vol. 23(5) with Thomas Cone

Short-Sighted Managers and Learnable Sunspot Equilibria, 2016. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 46: 117-126.

Estimating the Causal Relationship Between Foreclosures and Unemployment During the Great Recession. 2015. Economics Letters. Vol. 134: 90-93. (with Ghulam Awais Rana) Article

Red Herrings and Revelations: Does Learning About a New Variable Worsen Forecasts?“ 2015. Economic Modelling. Vol. 39: 395-406. Article

“Learning By Doing, Short-Sightedness, and Indeterminacy.” 2013. Economic Journal, Vol. 123(569): 738-763. Article

“A Note on Bubbles, Worthless Assets, and the Curious Case of General Motors.” 2014. Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 18(1), 244-254 . with Tom Ahn and Jeremy Sandford. Article

“Predicting the Winner of Tied NFL Games: Do the Details Matter?” forthcoming. Journal of Sports Economics. with Jared QuenzelArticle

“Optimal Setting of Point Spreads.” 2013.  Economica. Vol. 80 (317): 149-170. with Jeremy Sandford. Article

“Real Estate Pricing Under Two-sided Asymmetric Information. 2013. Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 3(4).  with Jeremy Sandford.  Article

“Are Sunspots Stabilizing?” 2011. Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 1 (3). Article

“Adaptive Learning with a Unit Root: An Application to the Current Account.” 2010. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vlo. 34 (2): 179-190. with Ron DaviesArticle

“Real-Time Rational Expectations and Indeterminacy.” 2008. Economics Letters. Vol. 99 (3): 530-533Article

Working Papers: Macroeconomics

Mortality Shocks and Growth Cycles

Learning to Herd

Housing and Endogenous Default, with Emily Marshall

Wealth vs. Income Taxes in a Model of Credit Constraints and Inequality

Working Papers: Microeconomics

Guilty Beyond a Vague and Uncertain Doubt: Burdens of Proof Across Communities . with Jamesa Drake

Lethality and deterrence in affairs of honor. with Tom Ahn and Jeremy Sandford.

Working Papers, Teaching of Economics

Teaching an Undergraduate Elective on the Great Recession, with Emily Marshall