This page includes my class notes, practice problems, and answer keys for each topic in this course. It also indicates the assigned reading. The schedule is tentative and material may be added or deleted due to time constraints.
Students are strongly encouraged to keep up with the material. Much of the material in this course is cumulative and it may be very difficult to catch up if you fall significantly behind.
The practice problems are designed to gauge students’ readiness for examinations. If you are able to answer most of the practice problems, then you can expect to do well on exams. If you do not know where to begin the practice problems, then you should expect to do poorly on exams.
Expect some small changes (updating data and fixing some typos) throughout the semester,
I. Introduction
Basics and Review: Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 1-2
Theoretical Models Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 1-2.
Econometric Methods Notes Problems Key
II. Economic Growth
Empirical Evidence Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 3, Barro (2003)
Solow Model Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones Ch. 4-5
Endogenous Growth Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones Ch. 6
III. Business Cycles
Empirical Evidence Notes Problems Key
Life Cycle Model and Consumption Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 15
New Keynesian Model Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 9-13
Asset Pricing and Financial Markets Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch, 16
Credit Cycles Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 14
Expectations Notes Problems Key
IV. Current Events (mixed in as we go)
Debt and Deficits Notes Problems Key Reading: Jones, Ch. 17
Social Security and Medicare Notes Problems Key